And sacred lots of augury,
Mopsus enjoin'd the host their sail
To spread before the favouring gale.
But when they hang upon the prow
Their anchors o'er the deep below,345
Fix'd at the stern, the chief displays
His sacred vial's golden blaze.
Invoking heaven's great father Jove,
Who wields his lightning spear above;
Waves that o'er ocean's bosom play,350
And breezes' every varying way,
Calm nights and days his prayers implore,
And sweet return, their wanderings o'er. 349
Propitious thunder's awful sound
Heaven's favouring answer quickly spoke,
And lightning's forked darts around356
From all the clouds irradiate broke.
Elated at the prosperous sign,
The heroes glow with joy divine.
The augur issued his command360
To ply their oars with constant force,
Suggesting to the valiant band
Sweet hopes to cheer them on their course.
Quick gaining with the breezy south
Th' inhospitable ocean's mouth,365
There to the god a shrine they rear
Who sways the raging sea's career.
(Of Thracian bulls a tawny herd,
To aid the sacrifice, appear'd,)
And hollow altar's heaven-built pile,370
From stony quarry hewn erewhile. 367
Not yet the dangerous pass explored,
They supplicate the vessel's lord
To fly the inevitable shock
That springs from the twin clashing rock.375