made in 1875 by Mr. Elliot Stock from the single copy of the first edition at that time known to be extant ; except that the additions made. by Bunyan in the second edition are also included. Attention is called, in the notes, to these inserted passages as they appear. In respect to capitaliza- tion, punctuation, and italicizing, the more extreme vaga- ries of the first edition have not been followed, nor has the original spelling been in all cases retained.
The following short list of books and articles may be of use to the student who desires a more thorough critical sur- vey than is given in the Introduction : —
Froude, J. A., John Bunyan, in English Men of Letters Series.
Offor, G., Memoir, prefixed to Works of Bunyan.
Southey, R., Life of Bunyan, in Select Biographies.
Macaulay, T. B., Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous.
Coleridge, S. T., Literary Remains, vol. iii.
Whittier, J. G., John Bunyan, in Old Portraits.
Tulloch, J., John Bunyan, in Puritanism and its Lead- ers.
Green, J. R., History of the English People, Book vii. chap. i.
Harsha, D. A., Life of John Bunyan.
Baillie, J., Life Studies.
Simson, J., Bunyan and the Gipsies.
Nettleship, J. T., An Italian Study of Bunyan's Pil- grim's Progress, Macmillan's Magazine, v. 39, 1879, p. 23.