OF VOL. 145.
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III. On the Ceomputationof the Effjct of the Attraction of Mountain-masses, as dis- turbing the Apparent Astronomical Latitude of Stations in Geodetic Surveys. By G. B. AIRY, Esq., Astronomer Royal .101
IV. An Account of some recent Researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the Geological History of the Alluvial Land of Egypt. - Instituted by LEONARDHIORNER,Esq., F.R.SS. L . 8 B., F.G .S. . . . 105 V. Observations on the Respiratory Movements of Insects. By the late WILLIAM FREDERICKBARLOW,F.R.C.S. Arranged and communicated by JAMES PAGET, F.R.S. 139 VI. On the Structure of certain Limestone Nodules enclosed in seams of Bituminous Coal, with a Description of some Trigonocarpons contained in them. By JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M.D., and EDWARD WILLIAM BINNEY, Esq. . 149 V1I. On the Theory f Definite Integrals. By W. II . L. RUSSELL, Esq., B.A. Com- municated by A. CAYLEY,Esq., F.R.S. 157 VIII. On Circumstances modifying the Action of Chemical Affinity. By J. H . GLAD- STONE,Ph.D ., F.R.S . 179