Mr. Flinders's Observations
upon the east and north coasts, where the south-west wind caused it to fall. Winds from the northward caused the mercury to descend, as I believe they always will in the southern hemisphere, if not obstructed by the land; but upon the north coast, we have seen the mercury stand higher with it than almost any other.
Upon a summary of the effects of the same winds upon the different coasts of Australia, as deduced from the above examples, the following queries seem to present themselves.
Why do the winds from north and NW, which cause the mercury to descend and stand lower than any other upon the south and east coasts, as also in the open sea, and in the south-west bight of the gulph of Carpentaria, make it rise upon the outer part of the north coast, with the same, or even worse weather?
Why should the north-east wind, which occasions a fall in the barometer upon the south coast, considerably below the mean standard, be attended with a rise above the mean upon the east and north coasts?
The south-east wind, upon the south and east coasts, caused the mercury to rise higher than any other; why should it not have the same effect upon the north coast, and upon the west?
How is it that the south-west wind should make the quicksilver rise and stand high upon the south and west coasts,—should cause it to fall much below the mean standard upon the east coast,—and upon the north, make it descend lower than any other, with the same weather?
The answer, I think, can only be one; and it seems to be sufficiently obvious.