Mr. Flinders's Observations
the height of the mercury remained nearly the same, until the north-west monsoon began to blow steadily, about the 10th., of December, two or three days excepted, when the day winds were from the south-eastward, and the mercury then stood between 29,80 and 29,85. At these times, however, there was usually some thunder and lightning about, signs of the approaching rainy monsoon, which may perhaps account for the descent of the mercury independently of the direction of the wind.
2d. On the confirmation of the north-west monsoon, there was a change in the barometer at the head of the gulph, the common standard of the mercury being at 29,88; but during the times of heavy rain, with thunder, lightning, and squalls of wind, when amongst the islands of Cape Vanderlin, the mean height was 29,79. The north-west monsoon, after coming over Arnhem's land, blows along the shore for a considerable part of the space between the Cape Maria and Cape Van Diemen, of Tasman; and during the examination of the parts so circumstanced, we sometimes had tolerably fine weather, and the mercury above 29,90; but the wind was then usually more from the north than when the mercury stood lower. As we approached Cape Maria, and the bight between it and the south side of Groote Eyland, the mercury stood gradually lower; and in the bight, where the north-west monsoon came directly from off the shore, although we had sea and land breezes, with fine weather, according to Mr, Dalrymple's general position, yet the mercury was uncommonly low, its range being from 29,63 to 29,81: the average 29,74, below what it had stood in the very bad weather near Cape Vanderlin, These winds and weather, and