of the human prostate Gland.
This appearance of a bridle is more or less met with in all the cases, in which the nipple-formed process occurs, but in so much smaller a degree, and not continued beyond the caput gallinaginis, that it never before led me to pay attention to it.
To satisfy myself how this tumour was formed, it became necessary to examine the prostate gland in its natural state; and ascertain whether there is any part sufficiently detached to move independent of the rest of the gland, and explain the appearances which had been met with in this particular case.
My professional avocations not affording time to make the dissections requisite for this purpose, Mr. Brodie, Demonstrator of Anatomy to Mr. Wilson, Teacher of Anatomy, in Windmill-street, whose knowledge of the subject fitted him for the task, and whose zeal for the improvement of his profession made him willingly undertake it, gave me his assistance, and took the whole of that labour on himself.
While dissecting the parts for this purpose, the urinary bladder was distended with water, and the surfaces of the prostate gland, vesicular seminales, and vasa deferentia, were fairly exposed. This being done, the vasa deferentia, and vesicular seminales were carefully dissected off from the bladder, without removing any other part. These were turned down upon the body of the prostate gland. An accurate dissection was then made of the circumference of the two posterior portions of the prostate gland, and the space between them was particularly examined. In doing this a small rounded substance was discovered, so much detached that it seemed a distinct gland, and so nearly resembling Cowper's glands in size and shape, as they appeared in the same subject, in which they were unusually large, that it appeared to be a gland of