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order to find out the difference of the right ascension and declinations; the weather being serene from about half an hour after five to half after eight in the morning. Which positions, good Sir, if they may be acceptable, I will immediately send you; and likewise some observations upon a total eclipse of the Moon at which his Serene Highness and his whole court were present, together with two very respectable persons of the court, the illustrious Mess. Holrinhausen and de Stanger, both well skilled in astronomical matters, who were appointed to be my assistants in all these observations.
Hence you will easily perceive, that I am attached to the most earnest endeavour of pleasing so great a Prince; who, taking into his protection all kinds of learning, was the first that introduced astronomy into his country, the name thereof being unknown here for so many ages.
It will be a great satisfaction to me if this our observation may obtain a place among the immortal monuments of your Society; that the future class of astronomers may retain a grateful remembrance of the most serene Charles Theodore Elector Palatine: and while I am, learned Sir, in expectation of this favour from the Royal Society, I humbly commend myself to your regard, being,
Your most humble servant,
Dated at Schwezinga,
23 June, 1761.
Christianus Mayer, S. J.
XXX. Ob-