I. An Account of an Aurora Borealis seen in New-England on the 22d of October, 1730, by Mr. Isaac Greenwood, Professor of Mathematicks at Cambridge in New-England. Communicated in a Letter to the late Dr. Rutty, R. S. Secr.
SIR, Harvard-College, Oct. 24, 1730. THE Aurora Borealis' has been very frequent with us of late; but none either for Brightness, Variety or Duration, so considerable as what occurred on the last Thursday Night, which was the 22d of October. This Meteor has been observed in New England, at different Times, ever since its first Plantation; but I think at much longer Intervals than of late Years, and never to so great a Degree as the present Instance: Nor indeed is there any recorded in the Philosophical Transactions, that I could think, by their Description, equal to it; excepting only that celebrated one of the 6th of March, 1716, observed by the most judicious and learned Dr. Halley, and in many Respects that also must give the Preference to it. And on this Account I have thought the most particular Description of this Meteor would not be unacceptable to you; and have therefore sent all my Notes relating thereunto, which are very numerous, almost to every Change and Circumstance of the Appearance. I am persuaded there is no better Way to arrive at the true