nutes he began to lose the Use of his Limbs, and to stagget as the others had done. He was convulsed more violently
than any of the rest, and chiefly in the Muscles of the Neck and Spine. The Muscles of his Eyes were strongly convulsed, which Appearance was not observed in the other Dogs. He foamed at the Mouth, yelled frequently, and breathed with more Difficulty than any of the rest. His Convulsions continued twenty Minutes; upon their ceasing he lay quiet, as though he slept, only that his Eyes were open. His Limbs were now grown perfectly paralytic.
We raised him up several Times, and offered to set him on his Legs, but he did not attempt to use them. He continued in this Way about fifteen Minutes longer, and then was seized with another violent Convulsion, which in five Minutes put an End to his Life.
Upon opening the Abdomen, we found the Veins of the Stomach and Guts very much distended with Blood, as in all the former Instances. In the Heart, Lungs and Brain, there was no visible Alteration.
VI. October 30, We injected an Ounce and an half of the Water, diluted with three Ounces of common Water warmed, into the Anus of a small Bitch. Before we could untie her she was seized with Convulsions, and yelled much. She fell as soon as she was loosed, and never after endeavoured to rise. She had Convulsions, and great Difficulty of Breathing about two Minutes. She then lay still, with her Limbs stiff and extended, about three Minutes; during which Time her lower Jaw was convulsed, and pulled alternately to and from the upper Jaw, with a very quick Motion.