at other times to fly one another; affording therebya
ſurprizing Spectacle to the Beholders.
After this Sight had continued about an Hour and a Half, thoſe Beams began to riſe much fewer in Number and not near ſo high, and by degrees that diffuſed Light, which had illuſtrated the Northern Parts of the Hemiſphere, ſeemed to ſubſide, and ſettling on the Horizon formed the Reſemblance of a very bright Crepuſculum: That this was the State of this Phenomenon, in the firſt Hours, is abundantly confirmed by the unanimous Conſent and concurring Testimony of several very worthy Persons no ways enclined to deceive. For by the Letters we have received from almoſt all the extream Parts of the Kingdom, there is found very little Difference in the Deſcription from what appeared at London and Oxford; unleſs that in the North of England, and in Scotland, the Light seemed somewhat stronger and brighter.
Hitherto I am forced to relate the Obſervations of others, wherein I fear many very material Circumſtances may be omitted: and aſſuredly I am not a little concern'd that I had no Notice of this Matter, till between Nine and Ten of the Clock, being at that Time at a Friends Houſe, and no ways ſuſpecting what past without Doors. But upon the firſt information of the thing, we immediately ran to the Windows, which hapned to regard the South and South-Weſt Quarter; and ſoon perceived, that though the Sky was very clear, yet it was tinged with a ſtrange ſort of Light; ſo that the ſmaller Stars were ſcarce to be ſeen, and much as it is when the Moon of four Days old appears after Twilight. And whilſt we regarded the Heavens with attention, we perceived a very thin Vapour to paſs before us, which aroſe from the preciſe Eaſt part of the Horizon, aſcending obliquely, ſo as to leave the Zenith about 15 or 20 Degrees to the Northward. But the ſwiftneſs wherewith it procee-ded