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On Tueſday the ſixth of March, ſt. vet. in the current Year 1716, (the Afternoon having been very ſerene and calm, and somewhat warmer than ordinary) about the Time it began to grow dark, that is much about 7 of the Clock. not only in London, but in all Parts of England, where the Beginning of this wonderful Sight was ſeen; out of what seemed a dusky Cloud, in the N. E. parts of the Heaven and ſcarce ten Degrees high, the Edges whereof were tinged with a reddiſh Yellow like as if the Moon had been hid behind it, there aroſe very long, luminous Rays or Streaks perpendicular to the Horizon, ſome of which ſeem'd nearly to aſcend to the Zenith. Preſently after, that reddiſh Cloud was swiftly propagated along, the Northern Horizon, into the N. W. and ſtill farther Weſterly; and immediately sent forth its Rays after the same manner from all Parts, now here, now there, they obſerving no Rule or Order in their riſing. Many of these Rays ſeeming to concur near the Zenith, formed there a Corona, or Image which drew the Attention of al1 Spectators; who according to their ſeveral Conceptions made very differing Reſemblances thereof; but by which compared together, thoſe that ſaw it not, may well comprehend after what manner it appeared. Some likened it to that Representation of Glory wherewith our Painters in Churches ſurround, the Holy Name of God. Others to thoſe radiating Starrs wherewith the Breaſts of the Knights of the moſt Noble Order of the Garter are adorned. Many compared it to the Concave of the great Cupolæ of St. Paul's Church, diſtinguiſht with Streaks alternately Light and obſcure and having in the middle a Spaceleſs bright than the reſt, reſembling the lantern. Whilſt others, to expreſs as well the Motion as Figure thereof, would have it to be like the Flame in an Oven reverberated and fouling against the arched Roof thereof: And ſome there were that thought it liker to that tremulousLight

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