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man, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Sclavonian and Finnish. Many
words of each of which he has given us in a Table, which being compar'd together, the Phænician Language appears to be in a manner the same with the Scythian or Sweedish. Moreover, by considering the Divine Worship, Customs and Letters of the Phænicians, he finds they owe their rise to the Scythians. As for the time of this Expedition of Thor and Bacchus, whom, as well as his chief Deputies, Mercurius, Inacbus, and the rest, the Poets call by the Names of Hercules, Fanesius, Dionysius and Titan, he concludes it to have fallen in with the times of Abraham, and his Great Grandfather Saruck, with which he Ends the Scriptures to agree.
Londen, Printed for Sam. Smith and Benj. Walford, Printers to the Royal Society, at the Princess Arms in St Paul's Church-yard, 1705.