the Sines of, the Radical Parts, and multiply those parts by
g, the results are also roots of the cubick Equation first proposed
—1. I 21-'-7-O: 1°fO The cube Roots of the Binomials are ral Hx;—2 2%~~- "E Their fumm is the Root fOllgl1lI°;.'”°. °:l" y "l And the other two Roots are »~f~ 2; V15 zl-.-VZ 3 4 Also in this Equation;~-~6<>a~—<2';'fO The Binomial Roots are +4 +V-4.
- 4—~V°4~
Hence the Root fought is +8 And the other two roots are—4+V4- 1 2 t ~-»- 4—vm
These papers were sent by Mr. Ctllim to Dr. M411/13- in a Lefter of 3 Ui*-rw 1681, (with this Character, I bfwejénfyvu berewith my thoughts about /bm: dqééls in AQ#/fra:) and are 2. Copy of what he had written to some other (but I know not whom) to whom he speaks all along in the second pcrfon, whereas ot others he ipeaks in the third person- And he did intend (had he lived lon er) to perfect it further; by omitting some things which F though here he notes as defects) he found after to be done already, and supplying some others. But he lived not to perfecft it, and therefore (that it be not 1091) WC here give it as we found it.
Printed at the THEATER, and are to le fold by M&f '7>in, at the *Ang*/, and Samuel Smith, at the Princes Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard LONDON, 1684.