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at the end M with a hole as ſmall as a hair, imagining, that if by the Forcer K H, I ſhould force up towards L the water that is between I N, that then the particles driven out of the inner Glaſs, and being bigger than thoſe which by the continual Ethereal motion paſs through it, and paſſing into the exterior Glaſs, would there require more ſpace, and consequently drive out ſome Air at the little hole in the exterior pipe at M: And to ſee the event hereof, I did put in the outermoſt part of the ſmall hole M a little water, which filled the hole only on the foremoſt part of it, thinking, that as I ſhould drive the Air out of the innermoſt Glaſs, the ſame paſſing into the exterior Glaſs, would thruſt the water out of the little hole. But what motion ſoever I make with the Porcer K H, and preſs out the Air N L, the water at the ſmall hole M keeps its ſtation: and yet, if I do but apply my warm hand to the exterior pipe M G, the water at M preſently flies out. This puzzles me; nor can I find a satisfactory reason for this Phænomenon.

More Microſcopical Obſervations made by the ſame M. Leewenhoeck, and promiſed in Numb. 97 of theſe Tracts; Communicated in his Letters of August 15. 1673 and of April 7. 1674.

1. I Have divers times endeavoured to ſee and to know, what parts the Blood conſiſts of; and at length I have obſerv'd taking ſome Blood out of my own hand, that it conſiſts of ſmall round globuls driven through a Cryſtalline humidity or water: Yet, whether all Blood be ſuch, I doubt. And exhibiting my Blood to my ſelf in very ſmall parcels, the globuls, yielded very little colour.

2. I have likewiſe obſerv'd some of the ſweet Milk of Cows, and find that alſo to be made up of ſmall tranſparent globuls, carried in the ſame manner as in the Blood through a clear liquor.

3. I have alſo viewed in my Microſcope ſome of the Hair of my own Head, which heretofore I imagined to have ſeen to grow out of globuls, that are not driven out to the end, as I obſerved it was done in Trees and Plants, but that they united in the skin, and in the root of the hair; ſo that Hair grows

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