was found with 9, or 10 leſſer ones in a woman of 40 years of age. Such as were found by him in the teſticles of a Cow, are duly exhibited in Fig.fourth. If any do wonder, that in ſo big an animal they should be so much smaller then in a Woman; he will have more cauſe to admire, that Women have them ſo littlein compariſon of thoſe of Ducks, Hens, &c. the firvt beginnings of things not bearing alwaies a proportion to their ſtate of encreaſe; as Beanes and Peas (e.g.) whence grow plants but of a very midling ſize, are much bigger feeds, than the kernels of Apples and Pears, which do produce considerably big Trees. Besides, it may be, that Cowes, when in their heat, may afford bigger Eggs. Mean time the reaſon why the Eggs of Fowl are alwaies proportionably bigger than thoſe of Women and of Quadrupeds, is, that they, when laid, must contain the matter not only for forming, but also for feeding the young animal.
3. That this Opinion is not so new, as ſome imagine; since Fallopius in Obſerv. Anatom. Bartol. Anat. reform. I. 1. c.26. Riolan. Ench. anat. 1. 2. c. 37. Laurent. Anat. l. 7. c. 10, make mention of them.
But here we shall observe the True ſtate of the Question out of the Journal of Monsieur Gaulois, ſaying, that the veſicles or Eggs in all ſorts of femals, are to be considered in three conditions: 1. When they are ſaſtn'd to the place where nature hath lodg'd them as in a repoſitory. 2. When they are looſn'd from thence. 3. When they encloſe the Embrion. The first of these, namely, that there are veſicles in all ſorts of Femals, faſn'd to their Bodies, is certain, and not new; as appears by the Authors just now quoted. It is also certain, that after conception, that which encloſeth the Fœtus, is almoſt like an Egg; but this is not new neither, seeing that Hippocrates hath observed it lib. de natura puer; and Ariſtotle hath said it more than once, viz. l. 7. hiſi. Anim. c. 7, and l. 3. de gener. Anim, c. 9. To which also the moderns agree and amongst others the famous Harvey Exper. 68. de gener. Anim. The Question therefore is only, Whether theſe Veſicles, faſtn'd to the body of Femals, are looſn'd from it; and whether that kind of Eggs, wherein the Embrion is form'd, is one of the vesicles looſned?