cribed, may both prepare and inform, those that are embarked in that adventure, and also give the Light of Various Arguments to our domesticks.
Chronology affords us the best view of all Times past; but, after all Emendations, is stil involv'd in much obscurity: There are fresh Essayes to extricate the difficulties; and several hands at work, to remark the Products of all former Ages.
Medical observations of peculiar curiosity, and the Singularities of Humane Bodies are not pretermitted. The Restlesness of particles in Solid Bodies represented, and modestly argued. Botanicks happily entertained, and reduced to a Natural Method. The Sylvan, Hortulan and Olitory affairs, for Forrests, Groves, Orchards, Nurseries, and fruitful Gardens revived with great vigor, and with manifold supplies. Vegetables brought under a Philosophical consideration: The Motion and the uses of Sap in Trees discußed: The nearer affinity of their several parts inquired, to the intention of altering, mixing and multiplying divers kinds very many ways. The Musk-melon how to be cultivated to great perfection, &c.
Thus we have briefly touched, what parts of useful Philosophy are now advancing; and these being the labours and studies of others, I presume, I may, without offence to any good men, claim the freedom to give them due applause. And now, let Envy snarle, it cannot stop the Wheels of Active Philosophy, in no part of the known world. Not in France, either in Paris or at Caen. Not in Italy, either in Rome, Naples, Milan, Florence, Venice, Bononia, or Padua. In none of the Universities, either on this or that side of the Seas. Madrid and Lisbon, all the best Spirits in Spain and Portugal, and the spatious and remote dominions to them belonging; the Imperial Court, and the Princes of Germany; the Northern Kings, and their best Luminaries; and even the frozen Muscovite and Russian, have all taken the Operative ferment; and it works high, and prevails every way, to the encouragement of all sincere Lovers of Knowledg and Vertue.