19. The Language is altogether different from the Chinese; but their Priests, and Courtisans, that is, the Learn'd among them, which bear the Offices of the Court, understand the tongue of Chochin-China, and by this means that of Tunquin, China, Corea &c. They write neither from the right to the left, nor from the left to the right, but downward.
20. Their Government is Despotique; the Religion Pagan; the Christian hated upon no other accompt, but that some of those that there professed it, would perswade the Japonese to acknowledge a Superiority above the dignity Royall, disposing of Crowns and Scepters. Their Morals are very good, their faults being punish't as their Crimes, even Lying and Detraction. Their left hand is the more honourable, and they take horse on that side.
IT is true, that Monsieur de Vilette of Lyons, who formerly made that Burning Concave, * which was of about 30. inches diameter (disposed of to the King of Denmark) hath made another, which is larger, now under tryal here.Described at large in Numb. 6. of these Transactions. It is of 34. inches diameter, and melts all sorts of Mettals, and Iron it se1f of the thickness of a Silver-Crown, in less then a minute of time, and vitrifies Brick in the same time; and as for Wood, whether green or dry, it sets it on fire in a moment. The King hath seen it and the performances of it with great satisfaction; and his Majesty is likely to make it his, and and then to bestow it on his Royal Academy of Philosophers, for making of farther Experiments with in. So far they.