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extracted from the Cross-bath, white. This Doctor concluded, that the Cross-bath had more of Allum and Niter, than the hotter Bathes, which abound more with Sulphur. And yet that Bath loosens shrunk sinews, by which it should seem it abounds not much with Allum. It is harsher to the taste than the other Baths, and soaks the hands more.

9. A man cannot drink half the quantity of strong drinks in the Bath, that he can out of it; but if he hath drank before to excess, it allay's much, and is a great refreshment to the body. The Bath provoketh Urine.

10. They are very usefull in diseases of the Head; Palsies, Epilepsies and Convulsions: In Cuticular diseases, Leprosies, Jtches and Scabbs: in all Obstructions of the Bowels, as Spleen, Liver, and Mesentery; and the scirrosity and hardness of those parts: In most diseases of Women; In the Scurvey and Stone: as to which last, while I am writing, an Alderman of the Citty assures me, that his Wife, who had been exceedingly troubled with the Stone, went into the Cross-bath for it and voided there several stones as bigg as those of Olives, and was never troubled with that distemper after. The Bath is also good in cold Gouts, as they call them. The same Alderman tells me, that it gives him present ease, when he is troubled with the fits of it. He uses to goe in, assoon as the fit takes him, which then goes off presently, and returns not in a considerable time after: He puts his feet upon the hottest springs in the Kings-Bath. But it hath a contrary effect in hott Gouts; and some, who are troubled with that distemper, tell me, that the Bath puts them into a fit, if they goe into it without preparation; or, if they have the fit before, it inflames it more, and sends it about the body, and disables the Joynt so, that there is no treading on it for the present. Further, the Bath is effectuall in the diseases of Children, particularly the Rickets, removing the humors, that proceed from it, without fail; 'Tis also good for Women, that are apt to miscarry, if us'd moderately. The Bath-guides goein, when they are ready to lye down; and other woemen of the Town use it ordinarily throughout their time, and are never observed to miscarry. It facilitates deliverance. Besides, it is very effectually for the strengthning of broken Bones, and


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