* Nota. The Author (M. Collins) haveing explain'd Mercators Logarithmotechnia in English, and illustrated the elegant Doctrine thereof with Examples, hath likewise handled this work of Interpolation, and makes the Logarithemes true to 25. or 30. places of figures by meer Division (or Proportion;) having herein advanc'd that Author's doctrine therof by Division, which (as 'tis there illustrated) did not seem to extend farr enough. This hath already been communicated, some Months since, to some of the Members of the R. Society, and may be expected hereafter.After one Root is obtained, the Methods of Huddenius and others will depresse the Equations so as to obtain more, and consequently all of them.
6. It is easy, by a Table of figurate Numbers to give the sum of any such Rank or any term in it relating to a known part of the Series of Equals or Roots; but è coverso, giving the Resolvend to find the Root, coms to an Eqnation as difficult as that proposed; as in D. Wallis his Chapter of Figurate Numbers.
7. Some affirm, they can give good Approaches for the obtaining a Root of any pure power, affected Equation, or for the finding of any of the mean Proportionals in any Rank between two extreams given.
8. Others pretend to have found out a method (incited thereto an example in Albert Gerards Invention Nouuelle en Algebre à Amsterdam 1629.) so much, by comparing of Equations, to in-crease