12. Some propose Oyle of Sulphur to perfume the Bottles with. I know not, whether that alter the tast; or onely stay the naturall fermentation; or what other change it gives the Sap.
13. Spirit of Wine ferments the Iuyce of some Berries, and possibly may not only preserve but advance the vertue of Saps; a little being powred on the top of them in the botles; or some other Oily Spirit.
14. Raisin infused in the liquor of Birch, is one Ingredient of the Durham-Gardner. I have been inform'd, that he uses Sugar; but I beleive, he puts it not in, till he opens a Botle, presently to be drunk, because it maketh the liquor sparkle in the Glasse.
15. A certain Lady ferments it with Ry-tost, not put in but only hung over it, in such quantity and at such distance, as may give some light warmth, motion and alteration to the surface of the liquor.
16. I fermented some with Ale-barm, which converted my delicat Birch-Iuyce, kept in Bottles, into pitifull small beer, which I wondred at; for I know one, who used by the barm of Ale to improve smal Beer, and thereby to keep it the better in Vessels.
17. I persuade my self, that Birch-water fermented by the Flemish Wheat-ferment, without any barm, would in time be excellently matur'd in Bottles; but not in a small time.
18. Let Cynamon also be try'd among the Ferments of these Iuyces. Hony will not mixe with Cyder though boyl'd therein to make Meath; but after a while the Cyder lets fall the Hony, and becomes simple Cyder again; Q. Whether it will not be so also in Birch-sap?
19. Some affirm, that the Tops and Leaves of Birch, decocted in the Sap, will preserve it from Sowring the whole year; and that any sort of dry'd Aromatick herbs, as Sage &c. boyled in beer, will keep it as well as Hops, Ling (Heath) Broom, or Worm-wood. I had a friend, who us'd Bay-leaves in his Beer and Ale. These things I propose to tryall, with green leaves and tops of the same year; decoct and dry leaves and herbs, infus'd or boyl'd, or former. The inner Bark yields Oyle, and probably, when infus'd will preserve Iuyces. So you have Oyle, Vinegar, and Wine from our own native Trees.
20. Delicate