and longest in season in the Root. For I have observed the Sap to subside unto the Roots out of the Body at such times of the day and year, when in the Branches I found none to spare.
7. If Binding, or Cutting off the Head advances the shoot of the inoculated bud, then it ought to be experimented, Whether disbarking a few days before Midsummer on the contraries side, a little below the bud, and having wax apply'd or clay on the part disbark'd, may not by that direction of the Sap, necessitating it to pass by the bud, further its growth considerably; or, which is better, a gash cut in the wood in that place.
8. To make a barren Tree beare again, cherish, dung in trenches, and pare and renew the extremity's of its longest Roots, and cut off the outermost and shortest, nearest the Body. Hence it may seem, that Plowing helps Fruit-trees.
9. Crosse hackings promote fruitfulness, cure the Phyllomania, whereof the reason seems to be, that (as was above intimated) Outward Circles and Bark seed the Wood, and the Inner onely reach out to the uttermost spriggs of the last year, to which the Fruit is appendant. For, some Trees bear only on this years shoot, an some only on that of the last, possibly some only on the third years shoot; and cease bearing, when they shoot no new spriggs. Seasonable baring the Roots, which they call Ablaqueation, probably hath the same effect, because it hinders the nourishment especially of the outward coates, and of barke, leaves, and suckers: But, because it seems, that, as some suckers or shoots, lately sprung in outward coats, robb the fruit of the risen Iuyce, so later roots, come from the outward parts of the maine roots, rob them also of their first nourishment in the earth; they ought to be pruned, as well as all suckers and not- bearing branches and spriggs, every year. For which reason also, the better to increase and amend fruit, it may be observed, what was recommended above to the 15th Querie, viz. The applying of dung and other amendments in trenches nigh to and beyond the farthest points of the Roots, to draw them out of the shade and drops. To this end, Distance-and situation is to be observed.
10. One