I Shall here collect from your own Tracts, (with a brief touch from my own Observations and Readings) a few Hints, pertaining to your Solicitations in your Preface to this 4th Vol. N. 45. pag. 896.
1. Our worthy Friend, Mr Evelyn, in his Sylva, as it is now most excellently improved in his 2d Edition, C. 3 p. 26, reciteth, that a certain Oak was found buried somewwere in Transylvania, near the Salt-pits, intirely converted into an hard Salt. He adds, that this Experiment, if true, may possibly encourage some other attempts for the multiplying of Salt, Thus he. And hence I hope, I may be excused for my Inquisitiveness after Salt-springs; which however weak, may possibly sometimes Indicate more Fossile Salt than is drayned or approached by that particular Spring. And Sr. Hugh Plat in the best Cabinet of his Jewel house c. 104. rebukes our lazy English for neglecting the rich and fertilizing Quality of our Brine, which encompasseth our Hand, and meets us at the foot of some of our Hills. Some indeed in the West do make use of brackish sand, and do find a good reward when they bear the charges of carrying it far, for the enriching of their Inheritances; whilst other Rusticks will not be in treated to accept of the Brine they have in the midst of their own Grounds. Certainly the Saline steams are carryed by the Air and Wind much farther from Salt itself in heaps, or vessels, than from the Sea water: From whence the Dews, which arise in vapours, do descend as sweet and pure as the Dew which ascends from the Earth; and the Rain shews no difference, And I gave youonce