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Mettal, and presently glides it along with it self to the Springs orifice, and from the moment of the Sulphur and Acide Salt's meeting and contact begins a mutual action and reaction upon one another which never ceaseth; till both are imperceptibly spent, and blended into a new Body, which then the water lets fall, and we call an Earth, Ochre, or Sediment: After the production of which Ochre, the Medicinal vertues of the immature Sulphur is lockt up into the inseparable embraces of the Acide Salt, and so is lost, or at least disappears. But this mutual action and reaction may last, till the Waters issue out of the Earth, and for some small time longer, and so long their Medical vertues are to be imparted, and no longer.

This, Sir, is the Hvpothesis of Tachenius (if I rightly apprehend him) which I send, not to have it Justlc out the more received one, or any other that may be proposed;, but that it may have its Tryall, and accordingly may live or dye. I could alledge more in its behalf, especially in the particular of such a Body, as we commonly call an Ochre; resulting from divers Experiments of Vitriol: but I have trespassed too much already to hope for pardon from any, but &c.

An Accompt of two BooksI. GUAGING EPITOMISED, by MICHAEL DARY. London, Printed by W. Godbid 1669, upon one folio page.

A Table of Squares and Cubes is of general use, but more particularly in Guaging, for taking away Proportional work in computing the Contents of Brewers Tuns from inch to inch, or by as great portions as you please; or for making the Tables of Gallon-measure for Mt. Ougthreds Guage-Rod: Yea each kind of Table doth much expedite the Guaging of Caske, as may be seen in this Printed Sheet of Mr Dary, wherein he supposeth, that a Beer or Ale-Gallon contains (according to the late Establishment by Law) 282. Cubical inches; a Wine-Gallon, according to custom and Experiment, 281. Cubical Inches: And he takes an Example (of Canary Pipe) whose diameter at the Boung
is 32
inches, and Length 44 inches.


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