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an Accompt, we find our selves oblieged somewhat to enlarge that which was, for want of more leisure, too cursorily given in Numb. 49. of Dr. Witties Answer to Hydrologia Chymica, concerning the Scarbrow Spaw. To do therefore right to this Worthy person, we ought among other things to take notice of what he saith in his Preface; That when he first published his Book, he had found the Scarbrough Spaw, even in 20. years Experience, to be eminently successul in the Cure of very many diseases, which had resisted all rational Methods, that had been used either by himself, or others of his Faculty. That now his Practice had been near 30. years, and that now he can add same considerable Cures, which he hath not hitherto expressed.

Now to sollicit this Learned Doctor and others for their farther Discovery's of Sanative Waters, and to add weight to the Argument; we may observe, that A. 1634. Dr. Thobias Whitaker, a famous Physitian of Norwich published in English a discourse Περὶ Ὑδροπωσιας, or Drinking Mineral Warters; particularly reflecting upon a Mineral Water then discovered in Norfolk, and producing the Joynt-advice of all Antiquity (as he pretends,) at least of the best Writers, namely of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna &c. generally against all use of Mineral Waters either to be taken inwardly, or for any outward application. This Discourse is recommended by the express approbation and elogies of Dr William Clement, Fellow and Register of the Colledge of Physitians in London, and by Dr. Alex. Read Fellow of the same Colledge.

This may give fit Caution against the rash Use of such Waters, when ordinary. Medicins may be effectual; and to take the advice of skilful Physitians in the Use of them. And for the Poor, which are not able to retain Physitians, nor to pay Apothecaries, they must abide the adventure of repairing to those kind Fountains, which doe not unfrequently cure, when all other costly and tedious Methods doe faile. And here they may find the Suffrage of many Curious and Inquisitive Authors, and the evidence of much Experience; Here they may see the real and great performances of Cures, and what are the particular Cures, what the particular Ingredients, and what the mixtures, together with the several ways of Analysing the Waters &c.

As to the Sanative Properties in general of many Minerall Fountains (besides the numerous Experiments of all sorts of people for many Ages in some places, and of late discovery in other places) Dr. Wittie recites the Judicious testimony of Dr. French and Dr Dean concerning the Knarlborough Spaw; Doctor Jordan concerning the Baths in Somersetshire, Dr. Heer's Spadocrene; Doctor Frambesarius and Dr. Ryetius of the Sauvenir in Germany, Dr. Fallopius de Therm. Aquis and the Spaws in Germany and Rome, de Balneo Aponitano, and the water at Corsena: Of such waters in general, Paracelsus and Helmont: And this Doctors own description of St. Mungo's Well at Cockgrave. To which wemay

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