in a moment the whole heavens were become black and prodigiously dark, which continued till 4 the next morning, with intolerable rain; and then the wind came again at North-East, and it was presently fair.
Near Africa the South-East-winds hold to 28. or 29. degr. Southern Latitude; but towards Brasile from the Tropick of Capricorne to 32 degrees they are variable, and to the Southward of 32. Westerly; as you may perceive by this following accompt.
May 29. Latit. 24 47′. Longit. (by the plain Sea-chart) from the Lizard, 11. Degr. West, Variation 10d 7′ East: fair Weather; the Wind from SW to W. We sailed 50, miles.
June 1. Littlewind, at SW.
June 2. Latit 26. 0 Calme all day, and a great storm all night at South.
June 3. Strong wind at SSE. At 1. at night it came to E bS, and blew with the same violence till next day noon. At 6, in the Evening I saw Mercury very near the Moon, newly past Conjunction, as I supposed.
June 4. Latit. 26. 15′. South. Longit from the Lizard 9. 24′. West: the Wind moderate at E bS.
June 5. Latit 27/ 32′. a fresh gale at E b N; dark and cloudy. but no rain.
June 6. and 7. the same Wind and Weather.
June 8. darke day, and calme all day and night.
June 9. calme till mid-nigh; then a little Wind at NW.
June. 10. Latit. 32. degr. Calme all day, and till mid-night; then a fresh gale as N W, that we sailed 66. miles. This day we saw a great Number of Whales sporting themselves.
June 11. Latit 32. 43′. the first clear day we had in a fortnight. Strong wind at NW. We sailed 141, miles.
June 12. Latit. 33 44′. Long. 5. deg. West. Variat. 9. 40′. East Clear weather, till the latter end of the night; then it rain'd: Strong wind at WNW, and a smooth sea; so that we sailed this day 177. miles; the most that our Ship sailed in 24. houres in all the time of the two Voyages, this I sayled in her.
June 13.