Æquation; by aid whereof, the propos'd Bi-quadratick Æquation may be divided into two Quadratick ones, as before.
And then, in regard it often happens, that Æquations are not otherwise explicable than by a quam proximè, he proceeds according to the General method of Vieta, as in Cubicks last above mention'd.
The whole Doctrine is illustrated with great variety of choice Examples, and the Author intending hereafter to treat more fully of Algebra, promiseth to extend his methods to Æquations of higher degrees, and to render the same more general. The remainder of the Book doth principally treat of figurate Arithmetick.
And here we think it fit to intimate, that divers good Treatises of Algebra have been lately publish't in Low Dutch. This Author cites Questions out of the 3d Century of Questions in the Officina Algebræ of Marten Wilkins, which we have not seen. Gerhard Kinkhuysen hath of late years publish'd several distinct Quarto-Books, viz. A Tract of Analytical Conicks: A Collection of Geometrical Problems, Analytically solv'd; as also such an acceptable Introduction to Algebra, that by the encouragement of some of the R. Society it hath been Translated into Latine, and fitted for the Press; to which will be annexed the Methods and Examples of Feguson about the Roots of Æquations. And we have little reason to doubt, but that the just now mention'd Introduction will meet with such an acceptance, as shall quicken theStationer