Fifthly, the Heart had its left Auricle bigger than the right (which is also found in some other animals;) whereas in Man 'tis contrary. They found no foramen Ovale, which many Authors assure to be in all Amphibious Animals, and even in Men, that are Divers, and stay long underwater. But it may be, that this Castor having been kept divers years from going into the water, that hole had been closed.
But we must proceed to the
Dromedary, wherein it chiefly noted; that it hath but two small hooffs on the end of his feet, the soles of them, flat and large, being very fleshy, and covered onely with a soft, thick and little callous skin, proper enough to march in the Sands of Asia and Africa; that the six Callosities of his Leggs being open'd, their substance was found to be between flesh, grease and ligament, some having a collection of a thick purulent matter mixed; that that Callosity under the Breast, strongly fastned to the Sternum, was considerably bigg every way, and much suppurated; that his inward parts were like enough to thoseof an Horse; but that in his 2d Ventricle there were many square Openings, being the Entry of about 20. cavities, made like sacks, placed between the two membranes that compose the substance of the whole stomach, in which sacks, as in convenient receptacles, 'tis probable than Camels doe for a long while keep the water they drink in great quantity, when they meet with any, for a supply in dry and desert places; that the Lungs had but one lobe; that the Heart was extraordinary bigg, viz. 9. inches long and 7. large; that, contrary to other Tongues, which are every where rough from within outwards by store of small eminences tending from without inwards, a part of this Tongue had them from within outwards &c.
The Bear hath a very particular structure of his Leggs, and their substance, very good to eat, is a kind of thick fattish ligament, out of which may possibly issue that moisture, which Authors say is suckt by this Beast for its nourishment in winter. Its Claws differ from those of a Lyon; by being more equall and more compact. The Teeth differ from those of a Lyon in this only, that they are less. The Thorax consists of 14 Ribbs. There appeared no distinction in his Gum, as in other animals;they