the sweat is lodg'd in the hair, and there breeds the vermine, and they take not the care of their heads there as here. However, the Spanish Negroes wash their heads with soap once a week to prevent being lowsie; whilst the other Negroes loose a great deal of time in looking after their heads, which by reason of their curls breed Lice more than the English, insomuch, that he affirms to have seen great holes eaten by Lice in the heads of some of them that were lazy.
Eighthly, He relates, that in the Colick bilious they often used Clysters of Tobacco smoak, but with no success at all. That he gave the juyce of Tobacco, an ounce in a Clyster, which stupified extreamly, but did no other good, than for the present to render them insensible of their pain. He adds, that 'tis usual to give Clysters of a pint of Brandy there, which will make them as drunk and mad as if they had taken it at their mouth. He observ'd, that less Brandy would foxe them in a Clyster then if drunk by them. He tryed a quarter of a pint in a Clyster on himselfe, and it made him not dead drunk, but raging mad, (though mixt with other things) and he faith, he remembers still, how unruly he was, so as not to be held in bed, his reason being depraved by these fumes. So he never took more of that Clyster but once, to reiterate the experiment, the effect being the same. But he complyed with the Spanish Negroes, who to nourish him, gave him a Clyster of halfe a pint of Madera-Sack, the yoke of one Egg, and a little Pepper, warm'd and given at night, and to hold it in all night: which did gently warm his bowels, and cast him always into a gentle sleep and sweat for some hours. He faith, he took many of these in the day time, the effect ceasing after two or three hours.
Lastly, He takes notice of the censure of Simon Pauli in his Herbal p. 383, against Chocolata, and faith, he cannot forgive him for it; being of opinion, that that Liquor, if it were well made and taken in a right way, is the best Diet for Hypochondriaks and Chronical distempers, and the Scurvy, Gout and Stone, and Women lying in, and Children new-born (to prevent Convulsions, and purge the Meconium out) and many other distempers, that ever came into Europe; but that 'tis now rather used for Luxury then Physick, and so compounded, as to destroy the sto-