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Numb. 37.
Monday, July 13. 1668.
The Contents.
Other observations, made in the formerly mention'd Voyage to Jamaica. A curious Relation of a Sand-Floud, which hath of late years overwhelmed a great Tract of Land in the County of Suffolk; together with some Observations concerning Agriculture. An Extract of a Letter, touching the present Declination of the Magnetick Needle, and the Tydes. Two Extracts of Letters, concerning an Opticall Experiment, conducive to a decay'd fight, together with some Notes, referring to the Observations aboutt a Blemish in Horse-eyes, publisht Numb. 32. A Remarque touching the greater Antiquity of the Transfusion, than hitherto hath been taken notice of here. Mr. Gregories Answer to Mr. Hugenius's Animadversions on his Treatise De Vera Circuli & Hyperboles Quadratura. An Account of four Books: I. DISCOURS PHYSIQUE dela PAROLE. II. De INFINITIS SPIRALIBUS INVERSIS INFINITIS que HYPERBOLIS, ac aliis Geometricis. III. EXERCITATIO GEOMETRICA de MAXIMIS & MINIMIS. IV. LA VENERIE ROYALE.
The Remainder
Of the Observations made in the formerly mention'd Voyage to
Jamaica, publisht Numb. 36.
BEfore we proceed to the rest of these Observations it ought not to be pass'd by, what the Learn'd Author of them takes notice of, as done by the Publisher in the first part of the same, printed in the Year 1667, in Septemher (viz. Numb. 27, p.498.) where the said Publisher takes the liberty to
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