An Alphabetical Table.
Vomitings in hot Climates and hot Seasons much preferr'd before Clysters and
Purges, 36, 709.
WAter percolates from the Seas through the Sands, to rise and fall with the tides, wherever they dig at the point of Jamaica; yet no steames arise there by heates, 36, 701.
Weavils breeding in meal, currans, raisins, &c. how so be destroy'd in Jamaica, 36. 701.
Whales of strange kinds about Bermudas described 40, 793.
Winter, see Swallowes, supra.
Wood, a Bastard-Cedar in Jamaica, seeming close-grain'd, but penetrated by Brandy and Wine, 36, 705.Many sorts of Wood there, besides Acayou, which breed no Wormes.A white wood there, which in Ships breeds no Wormes, 36.705.
A Wood stinking like human Excrement: See Answers from Java ||v|.majo-,43, 863.
Wood-Lice in Jamaica, which eate Books, the Paper, Print, and Covers, and some sorts of Wood, not all sorts, 36, 706.
NUmb. 43. p. 876. line 43. dele all this, p. 865. l. 24. r. mPC; p. 866. l. 3. dele, , sinistrersum; and read lc, as 'tis in the Text: but p. 865. l. 28. r.reapse, p. 870. l.21 r z.x.r.- vrzulsionp. Bgg; I. xo. r.Elder, nat Aldermvics. p.8$1 Lu. r. plac'd in it and.
Printed by T. N. for John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Society, and are to be sold at the Bell' a little without Temple-Bar, 1668.