An Alphabetical Table.
Mich. Ang. Ricci Exercitaio Geometrico, 31, 717.
Salnove de la Venerie Royale, 37, 740.
Franc. dela Boc Sylvii Praxis Medicæ Idea Nova, 40, 811.
Sympsons Hydrologia Chymica: His Anatomy of the Waters of Scarborow, Malton, Knaresborow; his Vindication of Chymical Medicins: Improvement of Experimental Philosophy: The Principles of all Concretes: His Ternary of Medicines: The Origin of Hot Springs, and all other living Springs, 43, 850.
And, Tcaquets Opera Mathematica; with reflexions and further Instructions, 43, 869.
Joh. Georg. Trumphii Scrutinium Vitrioli, 40, 810.
N. B. That, besides the Extracts of these 32 Books, here are added (especially in Mathcmaticals) Fit Cautions and Advices of other further supplements.
Brain. Its Exteriour part Glandulous, 44. see Malpighi supra.
A Burning-glass extraordinary made at Milan 49, 795.
CAbbage-Trees in the Caribe-Islands of 300 foot in hight; the wood never rots, and when dryed as hard as Iron. See Answers from Jamaica, 36, 704.
Calenture at Sea described, and the Cure, 36, 708.
Calmes frequent near the Gulf of Mexico, 36, 707.
Caymans, or Jamaica Crocodils and Alliigators have small Eggs like Turky's, but unspotted, 36, 703. the Stone in their Stomach is little regarded there, 36, 703.
Cbymical, Medical and Anatomical Overturcs. of special remarke. from the Consul Behm of Danzick, 34, 650.
Chocolota commended, 37, 721.
Civet-Cats live well and yield the more Civet, if you give them Drink once a month. They piss much, as Rabets do. 36, 704.
Climats:the effects of their change near the Tropicks: and Medical application directee, 36, 708.
Clouds and Mists, how they gather and imbody in Jamaica, 37, 718.
Colick and Morbifick effervescency's examined, 34, 651.
Colick bilious, what Clysters good or bad for it, 37, 720.
A Comet appearing in Italy and Portugal March 1658. n. 25 p. 683.
Cochineel, what it is, and whence, with considerations for like Advancements in Colors, &c. 40, 796.
DEasaess, somewhat lessen'd, though strangely, by Noise, 35, 665. helped in a Dog by Transfusion. See Anatomy.
Divers, by custome continue long under Water, to draw up Anchors, Guns, &c. 4, 863.
Drink, not necessary for all Animals. Cowes and Bulls live without Drink, their Bladders being dryed up, 36, 704
EArth's motion oppos'd by Ricciolus, whose pretended great argument is animadverted upon by Steph. Angeli, with Mr. Gregory's Illustrations, 36, 693.
Eye-sight, how to be help'd in Man or Beast, by Artificial Instruments, and better than by Spectacles, 37, 727. & 39, 765. & 40, 802.
GOut, the Causes, best helpes, and hope of Cure, 34, 650, Magnet. Transplations ineffectual ibid.
Hart; the medical uses of all its parts, 39, 885.
Head-aah, eased by applying the Leaves of Palma Christi in Jamaica, 36, 7O5.
Heart: of its Polypus, &c. 44. See Malpighi in the Title oi Books.
Hurricans described; seldome in Jamaica, 36, 705.
Husbandry improv'd by the incredible growth of Hopfclovcr, call'd also Non-such, 37, 725.
INtroduction and Preface to the Tracts for the year 1668. n. 33.
Inquiries & Directions for the Carib-Islands 33. 634. Inquiries concerning the growth of Vegetables, the motion and Qualities of their Juyces for medicines, for Colors, &c. 40.