An Alphabetical Table.
36, 699. And more, 37, 717.Answers Additional, referring to those of Jamaica, by an Eye-witness, 41, 824
Answers from Bermudes concerning the Tydes there, Whales, Sperma-Ceti, strange Spiders-Webbs, rare Vegetables, Longevity of the Inhabitants; and of the Isle of New-Providence among the Bahama's, 40, 792.
Answers and Rarities from Java Major, additional to Accounts publisht in the Hist. of the R. Society, 43, 853.
Answers concerning Mendip-Mines, 38, 767.
Answers concerning Tydes from Plimouth, 33, 642.Dr. Wallis's applications of the Accomp: of Tydes to his Hypothesis concerning Sea-refluxes, 34, 652.The Table of Tydes about London rectifyed, 34, 656.How Tides flow about Bristol, 41, 813. at Bermudas, 40, 793
Answers Chymical and Mineral, &c. from Mexico, 41, 817.
Antimony: eaten crude, fattens Horses, Swine; cureth them of Diseases, 39, 774.
Artificial Opals, Amethysts, Saphirs. The old Art of incorporating Red-glass recover'd.Of Diamond Looking-glasses in a Mill; and of making faire and hard Chrystals, 38, 743.
ABean, præcipitating the Muddiness of water. See Answers from Jamaica, supra.
Bloody Fluxes stopt by the blood of the Fish Bedille.See supra Answers Java-Major.Blood transfus'd, see sup Anatomy.
Algebra; an Introduction to it, translated out of High-Dutch into English by Mr. Branker, and much alter'd, and enlarged by D . I. P. with an accornpt of other helpes in that Art; abbreviated, 35, 688.
Steph. De Angelis, de Infinitis Spiralibus inversis, infinitsque Hyperbolis, aliisque Geometricis, 37, 738.
R. Andersons Stereometrical Propositions, variously apply'd, but particularly to gaging, 39, 785
Mr. Boyle's Continuation of New Experiments Physico-Mechanical touching the Spring and weight of the Air; and the Atmosphere of solid bodies, 42, 845
Ol. Borrichii de Ortu & Progressu Chemiæ 39, 779.
Tych Brahe Historia Cœlestis Observationum vicennalium, 43, 868.
Joh. Dom. Cassini Ephemerides Mediceorum Syderum, n. 44.
Ren. Des Cartes Epistol. pats 1. & 2. Lat. 40, 810.
The Bishop of Chesters Essay towards a Real Character and Philos. Language, 35, 690.
M. De Cordemoy's Natural Discourse of Speech in English, 37, 736.
Abrah. Cowley 6 libri Plantarum Poema, Latine, 36, 716.
M. Evelyn's Translation of the Idea of the Perfection of Painting, 39, 784.
Florentin Experiments, 33, 640.
Regn. de Graef de Virorum Organis Generationi inservientibus, 38, 750.
Idem de Graef de nonnullis circa partes Genitales Inventis novis, 34, 663.
M. Glanvils Progress and Advancement of Knowledge since Aristotle, 36, 715.
Grabe Elaphographia, 39, 885.
Joc. Gregorius, de Vera Circuli & Hyperbolæ Quadratura, &c. 33, 640.
Idem Geometriæ pars Universalis, quanticatum Curvarum Transmutationi &c Mensuræ inserviens, 35, 685.
Hevelii Cometographia, 40, 805.
Joh. Hornii Observae. circa partes Genitales in utreque sexu Prodromus, 34, 663.
Stanislai de Lubienietz Theatrum Cometicum, 35, 652.
Marc. Malpighii de Vilcerum Structura, n. 44.
Mayow de Respiratione & Rachitide, 41, 833.
Mercatoris Logarithmicotechnia, and Dr. Wallis's his Judgement on it, and Mr. Mercators Explication on his said Book, 35, 153.
A Discourse on Physick and Pharmacy, the Interests of Patients and the frauds of Apothecaries, Empiricks and Mountebanks, 41, 825