R S Corpora æqualia, vel R corpus majus, S corpus minus.
a Centrum Gravitatis sive ansa Libræ. Z summa velocitatum utriusque corporis.
R e | veloc. corp. | R | ante impulsum data | vel | S o | veloc. corp. | S | ante impuls data. | ||||||||
S e | S | R o | R | |||||||||||||
O R | veloc. corp. | R | post impuls. quæsita | e S | veloc. corp. | S | post impuls quæstia. | |||||||||
O S | S | e R | R |
[Lege syllabas (quamvis disjunctas) R e S e o R o S vel R o S o e S e R in Linea cujuslibet Casus, & harum quæ scribitur in Schemate more Hebraico. ea indicate motum contrarium motui, quem notat cujusvis syllabæ scriptio Latina. Syllaba conjucta quietem Corporis denotat.]
Calculus | . | ||||
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Natura observat regulus Additionis & Subductionis Speciosæ.
An Account of two Books.
THese Observations of the Nobie Tycho, as they were procured and preserv'd by those Three Mighty Emperours, RUDOLPH. II. FERDINAND. II. and III; so they were lately by the Command of his Imperial Majesty LEOPOLD made publick. They are usher'd in by a Liber Prologomenos, compendiously representing the Observations made from the time of the very Infancy of Astronomy unto that of its Restauration by the Illustrious Tycho, and reduced into 7. Classes, viz.
1. The Babylonian Observations; from A. before Christ 721, unto A. 432.
2. The Grecian; from A. before Christ 432, unto the beginning of the Vulgar Christian Account.
3. The Alexandrian; from A. Christi 1. until A. 827.
4. The Syro-Persian; from A. C. 827. unto 1457.
5. The Norimbergian; from A. C. 1457. unto 1509.
6. The