while after, and its wound being healed up, it grew like other Lambs, But the 5th of January 1668, it dyed, and its stomach was found full of corrupt food, Its neck being dissected, to see what had happen'd to the vein cut through, it was found, that it had joyned it self to the next Muscle by some fibres, and that the upper part of that vein had a communication with the lower, by the means of a little branch, which might in some manner supply the defect of the whole trunck.
There was made another Experiment the 20th of May, last at Udine, at the House of Signior Griffoni, by the transfusing the blood of a Lamb into the veins of a Spaniel, of a middle size of that kind, 13 years old, who had been altogether deaf for above 3 years, so as what noise soever was made, he gave not any sign of hearing it. He walked very little, and was so feeble, that being unable to lift up his foot, all he did was to trail his body forward. After the Transfusion practised upon him, he remained for an hour upon the Table, where he was yet untied, but leaping down afterwards, he went to find his Masters, that were in other Chambers. Two dayes after he went abroad, and ran up and down the streets with other Dogs, without trailing his feet, as he did before. His stomach also returned to him, and he began to eat more and more greedily than before, But that, which is more surprising is, that from that time he gave signes, that he began to hear, returning sometimes at the voice of his Masters. The 13th of June he was almost quite cured of his deafness, and he appeared without comparison more jocund than he was before the operation. At length, the 20th of the same Month he had wholly recovered his hearing, yet thus, that when he was called, he turned back, as if he that had called him, had been very far off. But that hapned not alwayes; in the mean time he heard always when he was called.
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