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An Extract

Of a Letter, written by Dr. Nathan. Fairfax to the Publisher, about a Bullet voided by Urine.

SIr, I sent a while since by Mr. A. C. to Mr. B. for your self a certain Leaden-Bullet, voided by a Woman at the passage of Urine, the circumstances relating to which I design'd to commit presently after to a Letter, but was diverted from it till now. The rude history of it you may please to take as follows.

G. Eliot of Mendlesham in Suffolk, a pale, middle-ag'd, full-bodied woman, sorely afflicted for some yeares with a torment of the Bowels, was prevailed with by a Neighbour, who had suffer'd much in the like case, to swallow two fit Bullets: whereupon she found (as he had done before her) present ease; but afterwards her pains return'd and increas'd, and she having many conflicts for about 15 years, then apply'd herself to my Apothecary, Mr. Gibson of Stow-market, who administred to her in the fit a dose of Lady Hollands Powder, which she took in Posset-drink in the Morning, was mov'd gently by it in the after-noon, spent that night in torture of body with Vomitings, and next morning, during the use of the Chamber-pot, together with the Urine there came that from her, which giving a twang against the side of the Vessel, surprised her with wonder, what it should be; and the Urine being poured off warily, there was left in it a heavy and (to appearance) gravelly Stone, of a colour between yellow and red, near as big as on's Thumbs-ends (as she confidently asserts to mes) but making use of an Hammer, and knocking off the outer pars of its crust, they came at a Bullet inclosed in it, of a kind of Brazen colour on the out-side, but cutting a little with a Knife, it proved Lead within: which being discover'd could easily be accounted for. Asking her, if no inquiry had been made of such a Bullets comming from her before, she told me that some dayes after she took them, the Stools had been slightly examin'd, but finding neither, they gave over search. She being further ask'd about the bigness of the Bullet? She told me, it was apparently bigger when she took it, than when she voyded it. The state of her Body in reference to the Stone being inquired into, she said, that she had, before and since that befell her, been a voyder of abundance of


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