will serve in new VVorks. It is tough and black, and being expos'd to the Sun and Wind for 2 or 3 dayes, will scarce yield to an Axe. That which hath layn 40 yeares to their own knowledge, they have taken up, and set again.
To the 35. VVhen they have sunk a Groove, they will not be at the charge of an Air-shaft, till they come at Ore; and for the supply of Air have boxes of Elme, exactly closed, of about 6 inches in the cleer, by which they carry it down above 20 Fathom. They cut a Trench, at a little distance from the top of the Groove, covering it with Turf and Rodds disposed to receive into the pipe, which they contrive to come in, sidewayes, to their Groove, 4 foot from the top; which carries down the Air to a great depth. When they come at Ore, and need an Air-shaft, they sink it 4 or 5 fathom distant, according to the convenience of the breadth, and of the same fashion with the Groove, to draw as well Ore as Air.
To the 36, 37, 38. The waters are more plentiful in Winter, according to the downfalls of Rain. They-make use of Leathern-baggs, 8 or 9 Gallons a piece, drawn up by Roapes, to free the water.
To the 39, 40. If they rind a Swallet, they drive an Adit upon Levell, till 'tis dry. Seldome Damps.
To the 41, 42. I referr to a Melius inquirendeum: Only they find no prejudice from any Iron-ore.
To the 43, 44. If they cannot cut the Rock, they use Fire to aneale it, laying on Wood and Coale, and the Fire so contriv'd, that they leave-the Mine before the Operation begins, and find it dangerous to enter again, before it be quite clear'd of the Smoak; which hath killed some.
To the 45, 46, 47, 48. Beetles, Axe, Wedge, unless so hardned as to make a deep Impression upon the head of an Anvill, are not Ht for their use; and yet they sometimes break them in an hour; others last 3 or 4 dayes, as it happens. They work cloath'd in Frocks and Wait-coats, by Candle-light of Tallow; 14 or 15 to the pound, each whereof lasts 3 houres, if they have Air enough: which if they want to keep in the Candle, the Work-men cannot stay there. A Vein-being lost, they drive 2 or 3 fathom in the breast, as the nature of the Earth directs