nus Anatomicos perperam assignasse usum musculorum Penis, quos Erectores apprellant; Eorum quippe provinciam non esse, Penem erigere, & dilatare Urethram, cum omnis Musculi actio sit rontracto, quæ extensioni contraria est; eos potius Penem versus interiora retrahere quam eriqere: Interim, hosce Penis Musculos, coarctando corpora nervosa circa corum exortum, materiam seminalem versus Penis partem anteriorem propellere, atque hac ratione corporum nervosorum distensione erectionem augere.
Before we conclude this Account, we cannot but take notice, that the Author occasionally inserts in this Book divers curious and remarkable Examples and Observations; some whereof are.
1. Concerning those, that are born, either absque Testibus; or, cum Testiculo uno; or, cum tribus, idque hæreditario per aliquot familias, admodum fæcundas.
2. About the situs præternaturalis Testiculorum, generationis tamen virtutem non impedientis.
3. Concerning lactescent Bloud in a man living at Delft in Holland, whose Bloud alwayes turn'd into Milk, when let out either by venæ-sections, or by bleeding at the Nose, or by a wound V. pag. 84, 85. Compare Numb. 6. pag. 100, 117, 118. and Numb. 8. pag. 139. of these Transactions.
4. Concerning the strange alteration made in Femals, ab Aura seminali: quod confirmat exemplo felis, diu sugentis (idque ad integram fere sui nutritionem) lac mammarum caniculæ, per aliquot annos à coitu prohibitæ; deinceps vero, postquam catella admiserat canem, nunquam ab eo tempore lac ex mammis ejus exsugere volentis,
5. About a strange Hæmorehagy per Penem, which amounted to 14. pound, in a Porter of 52, years old, falling down with a heavy load upon a board, laid over a ditch, and so turning about, when the said porter trod upon it, that it cast him down upon its edge, turn'd between his legs; yet the Patient by the skill and care of our Author recover'd.
6. Various Observations of Clysters and Suppositories, cast up by Vomits, p. 195, 196.
7. Several wayes of performing unbloudy dissections of Animals, p. 228, 229, &c.
II. Lo-