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lidorum Conicorum seriem, qui sectio exhibent infinitas, uti vocant, Hyperboldas, infinitas Parabolas, infinitas Ellipses, & analogiam servando, Circulos etiam infinitos: unde Lectoribus manifeste apprerebit, de Conicis me multo plus adinvenisse, quam cæteros, eosque ingeniosissimos viros, qui communem tantum Hyperbolen, Parabolen, Ellipsin, & Circulum (figuras, Conici, in nostra nova serie prædicta, secundi gradus) agnoverunt; alias, tertii & quarti, & cæterorum, non item: nisi quod de Parabolis infinitis, per puncta in Plano descriptis, pauca, licet cognitione dignissima, tradidere nonnulli; quos inter duo præcellentes ingenio viri, Fermatus ac Torricellius, inventorum præstantia & numero commendabiles, ac veteribus proximi, qui novum insuper excogitarunt Hyperbolarum Infinitarum genus. Neque prætereundum pato, quam plures Apollonii Propositiones atque demonstrationes aptari Sectionibus nostris, & per omnia congruere, affect asque multipliciter Æquationes, harum Sectionum ope resolvi facillime & determinari posse.

IV. LA VENERIE ROYALE du Sr. de SALNOVE, in 4°. a Paris.

THe Author of this Book, having (as himselfe declares) practised both the Art Military and that of Hunting for the space of 35 years under the active Reigns of those two Great Kings in France, HENRY IV. and LOUIS XIII. affirms, that he delivers only from his own experience the true Rules of Hunting: in the performing of which, he doth. from the different kinds of Game, divide his Book into 6 parts, teaching, what belongs to the Hunting of the Stagg (where he inserts the peculiar manner of Stag-hunting in Piemont) the Hare, Roe-buck, Wolf, Wild-boar, and the Fox; describing withal the peculiar and approv'd remedies for all manner of diseases of all sorts of Hunting-dogs; and adding his observations of all the various sounds, and his instructions for all the Terms of Hunting. All which he concludeth with directions, how to stock Forests with great Deere, and with an Enumeration of all the considerable Woods and Forests in France, together with their Games, Lodges, Relays, &c.

In the SAVOY,

Printed by T.N. for John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Society and are to be sold at the Bell a little without Temple-Bar, 1668.

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