Numb. 27.
For the Months of July, August, and September.
Munday, Septem. 1667
The Contents.
An Advertisement concerning the Invention of the Transfusion of Bloud.
The Author of these Papers returning now to his former Exercises, which by an extraordinary Accident he was necessitated to interrupt for some months last past, thought fit to comprise the Transactions of all the Months omitted in one Tract: In the very beginning of which he must inform the Reader, that if himself had published that Letter, which came abroad in July last, Concerning a new way of curing sundry diseases by Transfusion of Bloud, written to Monsieur de Montmor, &c by J. Denis Prof. of Pilosophy, &c. he should then have taken notice, as he doth now, of what
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