usually live, contrary to what is believed to happen in other Countries?
15. To take an Account of the Wooden Locks there, which are said to be made with as great Art, as those of Iron, with us.
16. To observe the Course of the Waters, both of the Mediterranean, and the Red-Sea?
For Guiny, by Abraham Hill Esq;
1. VVhether the River Niger overflows the Countrey yearly, like Nilus?
2. Whether the Rain, when it falls, be often very hot, rotting the Cloaths, if not presently dryed, and breeding Worms in them?
3. Whether the Gold there, be of very different fineness, and that which is uppermost in the Mine be the finest?
4. Whether the Palm affords them Wine, Oyl, Vinegar, Soap, Bread; and out of the Leaves they pick Threds, making thereof very curious Works?
5. Whether they have, besides their Palm-Wine, a Drink made of Grain, like our Ale? What Grain that is, and how prepar'd?
6. Whether their Arrows, they make, be poysonous? By what Tree and how prepar'd?
7. Whether some People on the River Gambra, be only Tawny, as others very Black?
8. Whether the Negroes have such sharp sights, that they discover a Ship at Sea much farther off, than the Europeans can?
9. VVhat Reason there is to conclude, That the Common People being accustomed to drink VVater, is the cause, that they are troubled with VVorms in their Bodies, very, painful to them, and difficult to get out?
In the SAVOY,
Printed by T. N. for John Martyn at the Bell, a little without Temple-Bar, Printer to the Royal Society, 1667.