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3. To inquire, where the best Hungarian Vitriol is to be found, and the Cinnabaris nativa?

4. To give us a true account of the right Gold- and Silver-Earth or Ore, said to be found at Cranach in Hungary; whence the Gold is called Cranach-Gold, first lighted upon by the care of the Emperour Rudolphus, and chemically wrought by his order and inspection?

5. To inquire after, and send over some of that kind of Vitriol, which by credible persons is affirmed to be found chrystallized in Transylvania: As also, after the Vitriol of Tyrol, said to yield Gold.

6. To inform us of the Salt-pits in Transylvania, said to yield two sorts of perfect Salt, the one being a Sal Gemmæ, the other, a common Table-Salt. To observe how deep these Salt-mines lie from the surface of the Ground? How deep they are digg'd hitherto; and what Damps are met with in them, &c?

7, To inquire after the Veins of Gold and Quick-silver at Cremnitz in Hungary; and the Vein of Silver at Schemnitz in the same Kingdom: And to send over some of the best Ores of them?

8. To inquire, Whether the Waters of the Thermæ, that pass by Schemnitz, depose a certain sediment, which in time turns into a yellow Stone?

9. Whether in the Mines of Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Lead, in Hungary, there be generally found Quick-silver and Sulphur?

10. Whether it be true, that in the Copper-Mines of the place called Herren-ground in Hungary, there be found no Quick-silver at all?

11. Whether it be true, that in some parts of the Upper Hungary, the Ores of Copper, Iron, and Lead, be sometimes so commixed, that there is often found in the upper part of the Concrete, matter of Iron; in the midst, matter of Copper, and in the lowermost, Lead? And that in other places of the same Country, Copperish fluors are mixed with Leaden ones?

12. Whe-

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