Ball (A) Lead (A) at 8 fathom and 1 foot, returned at 20;
repeated at 8 fathom, returned at 19.
Tried the third time at 10 fathom and 4 foot, return'd at 28.
A fourth Trial, at the same depth, just the same.
A fifth, at 10 fathom, 5 foot, returned in 27.
A sixth Trial, just the same.
A seventh, at 12 fathom, 5 Foot returned in 37.
An eighth Trial, just the same,
Another Day, near the same place.
Note, That the Pendulum was this Day adjusted, and made a little shorter, there having been but 58 vibrations in a Minute, the other day.
Ball (A) Lead (B) at 14 fathom, returned in 32½.
A second Trial, a little after in the same place, returned in 33. In making of which Trial, the Vibrations were told aloud, and the Lead having been let down by a Line, was found to touch the bottom in just half the time, the Ball staid under water. By a second Trial, the ascending and descending was found to be in equal times. And by a third Trial with another Lead, the very same found, vid. 16½ descending, and 16½ ascending. This Lead and Ball let down without a Line, the Ball returned in 13 vibrations; a sign it went not to the bottom.
A Trial made with a Lead, whose Iron-Crook was fasten'd at the top of it (like that in the Figure 3) succeeded very well, and the Ball returned in 34½: But by reason of the Current, the Experimenters could not perceive, when the Lead touched the bottom. This Lead being let down without a Line, the Ball returned in 32½. The depth of the water was now found by the Ships Lead, to be 14 fathom.
Another Trial was made with a Line, bowing the point of the Lead (like that in the Fig. 4) and the Ball return'd in 34. The same let down without a Line, the Ball return'd in 6 or 7 vibrations; a sign again, it went not to the bottom.
In a Trial with another Lead, the Ball return'd in 34.
Repeated again with the same success.