30. Whether those Shell-fishes, that are in these parts plump and in season at the Full Moon and lean and out of season at the New, are found to have contrary Constitutions in the East-Indies?
31. Whether the Animal, that yields the true Muske, be like a Dear, hornless, found in the High-Countrey between Pegu and China? And whether the Muske grows in Baggs, Blisters, or Swellings, which the Beast rubs off against Trees, it being affirmed to have been found in the Woods by the Scent? Whether true Muske, is discerned from false by its yellowness, when rubb'd upon ones hand, and by its keeping that Colour and the Scent?
32. Whether there be two sorts of Gum-lack, one produced by an Insect, a certain winged Ant; the other, the Exsudation of a Tree?
33. To inquire after the Fish call'd Caballa, said to be very powerful in stanching of blood?
34. Whether about Java there be Oysters, or other Shell-fishes, of that vast bigness, as to weigh 300. pounds?
35. Whether in Malacca there grows sometimes a stone in the stomack of a kind of Porcupine, call'd Pedro Parco, esteemed for its Cordial Vertue above Bezoar?
36. Whether there be found in the head of a certain Snake, a Stone, which laid upon a wound of any Venemous Creature, sticks fast to it, and draws away all the poison; then being put in Milk, voids its poison, and turns the Milk blew; and then applied again, draws out the rest of the poison, that may be behind, till the wound be perfectly cleansed?
37. Whether the Rhinoceros have such an Antipathy against Elephants, as is commonly related?
38. Whether in the Island of St. Helena, the Tide be at the same time round in the several Coasts of it; and what is the hour of Full Sea, and what the age of the Moon at the time of Observation?
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