To the number of the Letter of the Alphabet the word begins with, add 7.
Example. Fear is the word for October, and F the sixth Letter: Wherefore the Sun enters into the 8th Sign, to wit, Scorpio, on the 13th of October.
An Account of some Books.
The Author of this Book is now the Historiographer and Library-keeper to the Emperour. He publish'd this Volume some few years ago at Hamburgh, the place of his Birth, (whence an Exemplar was but lately lent to the Publisher.) He was excited to this Work by the complaint made by the illustrious Lord Verulam, (Lib. 2. cap. 4. de Augm. Scientiarum) of the want of a compleat History of Learning, that might give a satisfactory Account of the Rise, Progress, Transmigrations, Interruptions, Declinations, and Restaurations of all kind of Learning, Sciences, Arts, and Inventions; together with the occasion of Inventions through all Arts; the method of teaching, and the manner of improving and advancing them: Adding the various Sects, and the most famous Controversies among the Learned; the Encouragements they received; the chief Writings they composed; their Schools, Academies, Societies, Colledges, Successions, Orders, and whatever belongs to the state of Learning.
This grand Desideratum our Author undertakes to supply the World with, and in order thereunto, hath given us the first Book of the Prodromus of this History, and with it the four first Chapters of the Second Book, together with an Appendix, containing a Summary of the chief Persons and Things he intends more fully and accurately to treat of in the remaining 32 Chapters, designed for the same second Book: To which, he subjoins two Tables of Universal Chronology, in the first whereof he exhibits the succession of all Ages from the Creation of the World to the beginning of the common Christian Account; in the other, a Continuation of them from the beginning of the said Account unto this present Age: In which Tables he gives a general Idea of the Connexion of all Ages, as they are computed in respect of the
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