His Spleen was very thick, and his Liver big, and in some places livid. The Heart very dry, and, as 'twere, burnt. And having found the Vein, by which the Transfusion had been made, there was, from the place of the opening of the Arm, to the Heart, almost no blood found in it, no more than in the other Veins, nor in the Ventricles of the Heart, for as much as that little, he received, had been imbibed by his hot and dry Flesh. All which this Author assures, can be attested both by a dozen persons of great veracity; who were present at this dissection, and confirmed by the Certificates given by the Physicians themselves, to be sent to the Parents of the deceased Stranger; who is the very same with him, of whom a less punctual account was given, Numb. 28. p. 519.
Some new Experiments
This was lately communicated in a Letter from Dantzick written by Dr. Fabritius, Physician in Ordinary to that City, which out of the Latin we thus English.
Forasmuch as we had a great desire to experiment; what would be the effects of the Chirurgery of injecting Liquors into Humane Veins, three fit Subjects presenting themselves in our Hospital, we thought good to make the Tryal upon them. But seeing little ground to hope for a manifest operation from only Altering Medicines, we esteemed, the Experiment would be more convenient and conspicuous from Laxatives; which made us inject by a Syphon about two Drachms of such a kind of Physick into the Median Vein of the right Arm. The Patients were these. One was a lusty robust Souldier dangerously infected with the Venereal Disease, and suffering grievous protuberatings of the bones in his Arms. He, when the purgative Liquor was infused into him, complained of great pains in his Elbows, and the little valves of his Arm did swell so visibly, that it was necessary by a gentle compression of-ones fingers to stroke up that swelling towards the Patients shoulders. Some 4 hours after, it began to work, not very troublesomly; and so it did the next day, insomuch that the Man had five good stools after it. Without any