on one branch, and a Lemon on another branch; as also (consonantly to the Florentine information) one and the same Fruit half Orange and half Lemon; and sometimes three quarters of one kind, and one quarter of the other.
3. A Provencial at Paris pretends to keep Orange-trees in that Town all the Winter long without any Fire, though they remain in the Earth, and not be put in Cases or Boxes. This is thought to be effected by a peculiar sort of Dung used for that purpose, and wrought deep into the Ground.
Q, Why should not the Experiment of some such thing be made about London, whose Latitude is but so little more Northward than that of Paris?
Enquiries for Greenland.
To discharge our Promise made in the last Transactions, we shall subjoyn the following Queries, which we also purpose to recommend in due season, to some of those English Masters of Ships, and other fit papers, that shall Sail into Greenland for the Whale-fishing; intreating withall, as many as have conveniency, to assist us in these recommendations.
The Enquiries are,
1.What, and how much is the heat of the Sun there in the midst of the Summer, compar'd with the heat of it in England? to be observed with a seal'd Thermometer.
2. What is the most constant weather there in Summer, whether Clear, Cloudy, Rainy, Foggy? &c.
3. What weather is most usual at such and such times of the year?
4. What constancy or unconstancy there is of the Wind to this or that quarter of the Horizon, or to this or that part Of the year?
5. What the Temperature of each particular Wind is observ'd to be? And particularly, whether the North-Wind be the coldest? If not, what, wind is? whether is the colder, the East or West, &c.
6. What Wind is observed to bring most Ice, and what to make a clear Water at Sea?
7. What Currents there are? How fast, and which way they set? Whether those Currents are not stronger at one time of the Moon than at another? Whether they always run one way?
8. What is observable about the Tides, Spring or Neap?