This is, what I had to return to the Letter, which I wish might deserve to be presented to your Illustrious Society, and contribute something to the discovery of so many admirable vertues lodged in the Stone, and principally to the finding out of the Cause of this Variation; for which I have already made some attempt, and proposed my thoughts in a Dissiertation de Latitudine Parisiensi & Magnetis Declinatione, which M. du Hamel caused to be printed Anno 1660. with his Astronomia Physica, I shall be very glad, to learn the sentiment of your Learned Philosophers thereupon, and what cause they suspect there is of so singular an effect. I could discourse to you of other particulars touching the Proprieties of the Load stone, and especially of a remarkable one, I have discover'd, and which, if I am not deceived, subverts that Theory, which undertakes to explicate all these effects by the Pariculæ striatæ but I reserve that for another occasion.