with: And the Journal des Scavans glorieth, that the French have advanced this Invention so far, as to try it upon Men, before any English did it, and that with good success.
We readily grant, They were the first, we know off, that actually thus improved the Experiment, but then they must give us leave to inform them of this Truth, that the Philosophers in England had practised it long ago upon Man, if they had not been so tender in hazarding the Life of Man (which they take so much pain, to preserve and relieve) nor so scrupulous to incur the Penalties of the Law, which in England, is more strict and nice in cases of this concernment, than those of many other Nations are.
The Publisher can assert bonĂ¢ fide, that several Moneths agoe he saw himself the Instruments ready, and heard the Method agreed on, thought proper to execute this Operation upon Man. And, for further proof thereof, he shall here insert the whole way, peculiarly contrived here for this purpose, by the Ingenious Dr. Edmund King, and by him communicated in a Letter; Monsier Denys not having thought fit to describe the manner they used in France for Men; nor any body else come to our knowledge.
The Letter is as follows,
The Method of Transfusing Bloud you have practised, with facility enough, from Beast to Beast; and we have things in a readiness to transfuse Bloud from the Artery of a Lamb, Kid, or what other Animal may be thought proper, into the Vein of a Man. We have been ready for this Experiment this six Months, and wait for nothing but good opportunities, and the removal of some considerations of a Moral nature. I gave you a view, you may remember, a good while agoe, of the Instruments, I think very proper for the Experiment, which are only a Silver Tube, with a Silver Stopper somewhat blunted at one end, and flatted at the other for conveniency of handling, used already upon Beasts with good success. Theway