What time of the year it is to be laid on? How many loads to an Acre? What Grains Marled Land will bear, and how many years together? How such Marled Land is to be used afterwards, &c?
7. The kinds of Grain or Seed, usual in England being supposed to be either Wheat, Miscelane, Rye, Barley, Oats, Pease, Beans, Fitches, Buck wheat, Hemp, Flax, Rape; We desire to know, what sorts of Grains are sown in your Country, and how each of these is prepared for Sowing? Whether by steeping, and in what kind of Liquor? Or by mixing it, and with what?
8. There being many sorts of Wheat, as the White or Red Lammas, the bearded Kentish Wheat, the gray Wheat, the red or gray Pollard, the Ducks-bill Wheat, the red-eared, bearded Wheat, &c. And so of Oats, as the common Black, Blue, Naked, Bearded in North-wales and the like of Barley, Pease, Beans. &c. The Enquiry is, which of these grow in your Country, and in what Soyl; and which of them thrive best there; and whether each of them require a peculiar Tillage; and how they differ in goodness?
9. What are the chief particulars observable in the choice of Seed corn, and all kinds of Grain; and what kinds of Grain are most proper to succeed one another?
10. What Quantity of each kind is sown upon the Statute-Acre? And in what season of the Moon and year 'tis sowed?
11. With what instruments they do Harrow, Clod and Rowl, and at what seasons?
12. How much an Acre of good Corn, well ordered, generally useth to yield, in very good, in less good, and in the worst years?
13. Some of the common Accidents and Diseases befalling Corn in the growth of it, being Meldew, Blasting, Smut; what are conceived to be the Causes thereof, & what the Remedies?
14. There being other Annoyances, the growing Corn is exposed to, as Weeds, Worms, Flies, Birds, Mice, Moles, &c. how they are remedied?
15. Upon what occasions they use to cut the young Corn in the Blade, or to feed it; and what are the benefits thereof?
16. What are the seasons and waies of Reaping and Ordering each sort of Grain, before it be carried off the Ground?
17. What