lished, that on the 30. day of July, 1664. at 212 of the clock in the morning, he had observ'd, with Campani’s Glasses, that there passed through the broad obscure Belt of Jupiter two obscurer spots, by him esteemed to be the shadows of the Satellites, moving between Jupiter & the Sun, and eclipsing him, and emerging from the Occidental Brim thereof: This Authour did first conceive, that they were not shadows, but some Sallies, or Prominencies in that Belt; which he was induced to believe, because he perceived not, that that Prominency, which he there saw was so black, nor so round as Cassini had represented his spots; wherefore, seeing it but little differing in colour, from the Belt, and so not judging it round, because it did stand only about half its diameter out of the Belt, he persuaded himself, that it was rather a Sally, or Prominency of the Belt, than a round shadow, as that of a Satellite of Jupiter must have bin. But having been since informed of all the Observations made by Cassini and Campani, with the New Glasses, and seen his Figure, he candidly and publickly wisheth, that he had not spoken of that Sally, or Prominency; advowing that he can doubt no longer, but that it was the shadow of the Satellit between Jupiter and the Sun, having seen the other emerge, as soon as with a 20. foot Glass he made the Observation, and having not perceiv'd these shadows with a 12. foot Glass: But although he grants that they did ghess better than he, yet he doth it with this proviso, vid. in case they made that Observation of July 30. not with their 36. but 12. or 17. foot Telescope. If it be wondred at, that Monsieur Auzout did not see this shadow move, he allegeth his indisposition for making long Observations, and addeth, that it may be much more wondred at, that neither Campani nor himself did see upon the obscure Belt the Bodies of the Satellites, as parts more Luminous than the Belt. For (saith he) although the Latitude was Meridional, it being no more than of 9. or 10. minutes, the Body of the Satellites should, thinks he, pass between us and the Belt, especially according to Campani, who maketh the Belt so large, and puts the shadows farr enough within the same. This maketh him conclude, that either they have not observed well enough, or that the motion of the Satellites doth not exactly follow the Belts, and is inclin'd unto them. Whereupon he revolves, that when he shall know that they are to pass between Jupiter and us, and to be over against the Belt, that